Transforming care, empowering families, strengthening communities

TEAM UP is transforming pediatric primary care by implementing a full spectrum model for integrated behavioral health care. The model is intentionally designed to bridge gaps in care structurally marginalized communities.

Funding Opportunity

Our Impact by the Numbers

TEAM UP aims to promote positive child health and well-being through innovative and consistent delivery of evidence-informed integrated behavioral health care.

children served annually

integrated workforce trained

health centers & emerging partnerships


racial and/or ethnic minority patients


best served in language other than English


at or below 100% of federal poverty level

Our Approach

TEAM UP promotes positive child health and well-being through innovative and consistent delivery of integrated behavioral health services for children, from birth to young adulthood. Our sustainable and adaptable model strengthens pediatric primary care, ensuring all children receive the care they need.


With our full spectrum model and holistic approach to developing a clinical care team, providing ongoing support, and evaluating impact, TEAM UP is transforming delivery of behavioral health services within pediatric primary care settings.

The TEAM UP Modelâ„¢

Transform Care

The TEAM UP Modelâ„¢ focuses on promotion, prevention, early identification of emerging behavioral health issues, and swift access to care.

Team-Based Care

Strengthen Foundations

Behavioral health services are delivered by a team of behavioral health clinicians, community health workers, and primary care providers.

Training and Evaluation

Create a Learning Community

The Learning Community offers continual training, practice transformation support, and evaluation expertise to guide implementation of the TEAM UP Model™ and ensure impact.

Scaling the Model

Lead System Level Change

We seek to advance TEAM UP’s reach by expanding the TEAM UP community, further developing the model, extending access to training, and making an impact on state and federal policies.


TEAM UP has held our hands and, at times, our hearts while helping us implement integrated behavioral health services into our Pediatrics department.  We have been able to offer care to children who had no other options prior to TEAM UP. I know it has saved lives, especially through the COVID pandemic.

Joyce Dupont, MSHA, MLT, ASCP

Chief of Value Based Services Officer
New Bedford Community Health

You can make a difference

Whether you’re a healthcare professional or organization, a researcher, or a policymaker, there are many ways to get involved with TEAM UP. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate healthcare system that prioritizes the mental health and well-being of all children.


Healthcare Professionals

We will provide you the tools, clinical training, and technical assistance to implement a successful integrated behavioral health care model.



Your support will extend TEAM UP’s impact by significantly increasing its reach among low-income and structurally marginalized children.



Leverage our data to enhance your research and help us optimize behavioral health care to promote positive outcomes for children and families.



Support us in creating lasting change in access to evidence-informed behavioral health services for those who need it most.

We welcome collaboration with strategic partners, external academic research teams, nonprofits, government agencies, and others. Contact us to explore and craft the relationship with TEAM UP that is unique to your organization.

Featured Policy Brief

Mental Health Screening and Beyond: Recommendation for Expansion

TEAM UP applauds MassHealth’s innovative policy changes that focus on supporting comprehensive clinical services for children and families, including behavioral health services. In the spirit of our continued collaboration in the shared goal of ensuring children and families across the Commonwealth have prompt access to high-quality behavioral health care, TEAM UP is sharing our latest policy brief, “Mental Health Screening and Beyond: Recommendation for Expansion.”