Comprehensive Training for the Whole Practice
The Learning Community focuses on the whole practice to ensure all roles have the training and support needed to implement the TEAM UP Model successfully.
Clinical Training
Clinical Training is designed to expand core knowledge of pediatric behavioral health. Care team members learn role-specific core competencies and specialized skills for BHCs and CHWs in the integrated primary care setting.
Practice Transformation Support
Practice transformation support to implement and sustain integrated behavioral health care
Practice Transformation applies a quality improvement framework to collectively set goals, plan transformation activities, and monitor progress across the Learning Community. Practices receive technical assistance to ensure the model’s successful implementation and long-term sustainability. Community-wide convenings periodically to share our learning and celebrate our successes, to build the field of expertise in integrated pediatric primary care through ongoing impact analysis, refining the TEAM UP model, and disseminating collective learnings.
Evaluation Support
The evaluation arm is a central component of the TEAM UP initiative. The evaluation seeks to prove and improve the TEAM UP model through collecting and interpreting data to inform model development and assess outcomes.
Measure Progress
The TEAM UP evaluation arm supports practice-level implementation and improvement through:
- An implementation dashboard with real-time performance metrics
- Supplemental data analyses to inform ongoing practice transformation and emerging learnings
Advance Care
The TEAM UP evaluation arm advances the evidence base for integrated care in pediatric settings by researching:
- The impact of the model on the clinical workforce
- How to optimize IBH care delivery to be as effective and efficient as possible
- The association between the TEAM UP model and key child health outcomes
- The impact of the model on health system-level indicators, like utilization and cost of care
Accelerate Dissemination
TEAM UP’s evaluation arm always seeks opportunities to add to the growing evidence base supporting integrated behavioral health. We welcome collaboration with external academic research teams to build the field of knowledge of integrated behavioral health.