TEAM UP for Children applauds MassHealth's innovative policy changes that focus on supporting comprehensive clinical services for children and families, including behavioral health services. In the spirit of our continued collaboration in the shared goal of ensuring...
Massachusetts Joint Committee on Health Care Financing Testimony
Testimony of Anita Morris, MSN, FNP-BCÂ Project Director, TEAM UP for Children May 25, 2023Massachusetts Joint Committee on Health Care FinancingH1184, An Act relative to health equity and community health workers Anita Morris, Project Director, submitted...
Massachusetts Legislative Commission on Behavioral Health Promotion and Upstream Prevention
 Written Testimony from TEAM UP for Children December 15, 2017 Massachusetts Commission on Behavioral Health Promotion and Upstream PreventionStrengthening Behavioral Health Promotion and Upstream Prevention in Massachusetts TEAM UP submitted written testimony to the...
Dr. Michelle Durham Testifies at U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Hearing on Mental Health Care
Dr. Michelle Durham's testimony to U.S. Senate Finance Committee Hearing on "Mental Health Care in America: Addressing Root Causes and Identifying Policy Solutions." A transcript of her testimony is included below. Testimony of Dr. Michelle P. Durham, MD, MPH, FAPA,...