The SWYC User’s Manual was released in March 2016. Since that time, we have made several changes to the SWYC that have rendered some parts of the User’s Manual out-of-date. When time and resources allow, the User’s Manual will be updated, but in the meantime, please be aware of the following discrepancies:
In v1.07, the Family Questions were revised. The literacy question EPDS have been added since the time this manual was published. Wording for the tobacco item has been revised, and wording and scoring for the food insecurity item has been revised.
Due to the changes described above, the comprehensive hand-scoring guide included in the manual is not compatible with v1.07.
Additional research has been conducted on the SWYC. Future editions of the manual will describe findings.
Some guidelines around creating electronic medical records and translations have changed. Please contact for up-to-date information.